THE YELLOW MONKEY SUPER BIG EGG 2024 on 27 April 2024 at Tokyo Dome!!

Coming back from the office, I casually looked at a phone and found that I had received announcement via LINE, “THE YELLOW MONKEY SUPER BIG EGG 2024 on 27 April 2024 at Tokyo Dome”!!

Currently, Yoshii san (on vocal) recovered from throat disease, but when he did sing dozens of songs in September, his voice became hoarse, so that 28 December’s Budokan in this year wouldn’t hold.
It’s okay. We can wait and wait.
We do not want him to push himself so hard.
During his recovering from polyp, laryngeal cancer was found with very first stage on November 2022.
At that time, the doctor said that it would be fully cured in three months if he treated.
That was why they scheduled a concert on 28 December 2023 at Budokan last year.
Under such circumstances, the concert on 27 April 2024 was announced!!
However, if Yoshii san still has an issue at his throat, I hope he will postpone the event even with the short notice.

I immediately enrolled the concert as the fun club priority window.
It will be lottery, but I am optimistic because the capacity of Tokyo Dome is much more than the one of Budokan.
I registered to upgrade ‘SUPER’ seat. It’s okay if I didn’t have the luck.

I was excited for the first time in a while.
Nothing makes me excited in Singapore.
I would like to settle down in Tokyo as soon as possible!