Farewell Party for Ms N

We had Ms N’s farewell party on 05 January although it was Thursday. She was successful in the company and moved up to a high position, senior director, which is much different from me, and was my immediate manager from Nov 2009 to 2013 or 2014.

I joined this company in Nov 1996 and have known her in Singapore since 1998 or so.

We reserved the wine restaurant for this farewell party and about 40 of us were joining. Someone were from Hong Kong office or Thailand office, and some were already retired. I was able to see people from back in the day there.

Ms N could be 10 years younger than me, so is 50 plus, but is retiring! I spoke to her and knew that she would be relocated to a country in Europe. I don’t agree to the people who use ‘immigrate’ for relocation or moving, but she used the word, ‘relocated’. She will leave Singapore with her husband and dogs. Her elder daughter is already working in Australia while another daughter studies in UK. I do not recall which daughter, but remember when she was pregnant. Time flies really. She had lived in a condominium and sold it. Then, she bought a landed house which only Singaporean can buy and very expensive but sold the house for relocation. I heard this from my colleague next day. What a brave decision she made! She went South Africa to watch world cup before. She really enjoys life. We discussed that we would go the European country together!

Person has his/ her own life. I admire her life, retiring at 50 plus and being relocated to Europe, but I cannot do like her. I cannot/ couldn’t make such brave decision. When I was relocated here in 2004, I didn’t sell my flat, but was renting out. It is still rented out. Also, I do not think I will sell my condominium soon after my retirement and move out from Singapore. In my sixties, I would like to move around Tokyo, Singapore, and a country in Europe if possible. Honestly speaking due to my age, I do not motivate to learn something. In the past, I thought I did grow if I stretched myself/ studied hard. However, with joining this kind of party I felt that I should at least keep up with English. It would be better that I can explain what I am interested in to colleagues and friends in English and Japanese, which may be necessary for my life. This is the reason why I re-started this blog.